Preventing Disease

Have you heard the saying, “what you don’t know could hurt you?” Well as known as the quote is, we, as people, still do not take the time to read labels or understand how the body operates. Instead, we want the doctor to tell us what’s wrong and how to fix it. We look for quick fixes for our bodies, but want to spend top dollar on material things. We will spend $1 at McDonalds instead of $1 for an apple. We have allowed the government’s rules on how to be healthy to control our thinking process. If the government allowed companies to put toxic chemicals into our foods and daily skin products, then we think it must be okay. Well … news flash, it is not okay for anyone to govern your body but you. It’s time we take our control back! By allowing the greedy company leaders to have control of what we eat and put on our skin, preventive disease has increased by over 45 percent within the last 20 years.

According to, chronic diseases are ongoing, general, and curable illnesses or conditions such as heart disease, asthma, cancer, and diabetes. These diseases are often preventable and frequently manageable through early detection, improved diet, exercise, and treatment therapy. 

Did you know that there are many unregulated, harmful chemicals contributing to chronic diseases that exist in skincare products? One ingredient that is extremely harmful to our bodies is parabens. Parabens are preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, giving products a longer, more stable shelf life. Parabens, including methylparaben, propylparaben, isopropylparaben, and isobutylparaben, are found in most products that contain a considerable amount of water, especially soaps, moisturizers, and lotions. These preservatives are known endocrine disruptors with similar chemical structures to estrogen,  meaning that they can mimic the effect of estrogen and create hormonal imbalances in the body. Unfortunately, studies have found that parabens, especially methylparaben, can even spur the growth of certain types of breast cancer cells. One recent study concluded that 99% of all cancerous breast tumors contained some form of parabens. Because the American Chemical Society estimates that parabens are found in about 85% of all personal care products, many of us are unconsciously exposed to these harmful preservatives because they are easily absorbed through our skin. There is almost no federal regulation of the cosmetics industry in the United States. The FDA  only regulates misbranding and false advertising, not the actual ingredients that a product contains. Therefore, it is our job, as the consumer, to be mindful of the potential dangers of the chemicals we allow to enter our bodies. With meticulous self regulation of the products in which we use, we can better prevent the harmful effects that may come about through our cosmetic choices. One of our company’s missions is to help by making the everyday things that you use on your body natural and powerful.


Let’s talk about a couple of good products that we can use in our daily routines for our bodies. These are natural products that help assist the body with fighting off all the toxins of the world.  Shea Butter is a fatty substance obtained from the nuts of the African shea tree. It is ivory in color when raw, with more processed versions being white in color, although it is commonly dyed yellow with borututu root or palm oil. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Unrefined shea butter has an average shelf life of 12 to 24 months without the addition of preservatives. Let's highlight some benefits of Shea butter. Is it skin safe? Shea butter is technically a tree nut product. However, unlike most tree nut products, it is very low in the amount of protein that could trigger allergies. Shea butter does not contain chemical irritants known to dry out the skin and it does not clog pores. It is compatible with all skin types. This vitamin’s shea butter contains vitamin A , vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin F.

Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honeybees of the genus Apis. This is formed into scales by eight wax-producing glands in the abdominal segments of worker bees, which discard it in or at the hive. Beeswax consists mainly of esters of fatty acids and various long chain alcohols.  Let’s highlight some benefits. The anti-inflammatory properties of beeswax encourage the healing of wounds. It is also protective, helping form a barrier between the skin and the environment without clogging pores. Further, beeswax is high in vitamin A, which has been found to support cell reconstruction and health.

This is just a small amount of information that I want to put on your mind. The saying,  “Sometimes cheap is not always better.” On the other side of that, “Everything good for you does not have to be so expensive either”. Here, at Beyond Important, we try to make the cost of each product as affordable as possible and give you a quality product at the same time. Remember our motto here and take it with you wherever you go,  “Every part of life matters.” 

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Care Tips for Natural Products